Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tomorrow is my thirteenth wedding anniversary. Well, not just mine, but you know what I mean. We celebrated this weekend by going out for meals, lazing around, going to a movie, going to the Heirloom Art and Rubber Stamp show, and watching several things on DVD.

The movie we saw, Keeping Up With the Steins was funny; not hilarious or really outstanding, but cute and entertaining. Being a WASP-y Texan, I may not be the best judge of how accurate the details about this particular culture were, but if the larger culture in the United States has fallen prey to materialism and one-up-manship, why not this one, too? I enjoyed it.

The Art and Rubber Stamp Show was a lot of fun for me, not so much for my husband, but he was awfully good-natured about it. I actually wanted him to go because I have had some interest in producing rubber stamps as a sort of side business, and wanted his input in case I found someone who would talk to me. He is very practical and knowledgeable about business, and I trust his opinions. I had asked a number of people online how they got started designing their own stamp lines, but had gotten very little response. The woman we spoke to was Linda Malcom of Lost Coast Designs. Not only did I love her stamps, but she was so gracious and helpful, I will definitely be a repeat customer. She was very forthright about the competitive nature of the business these days, but not discouraging. Her input and that from others at the show has gotten me rared up, wanting to create, create, create!

I have so many ideas, and have such a hard time getting started implementing them. And then, of course, one of the major themes in my life, I get so easily distracted...

So I will work on that. For now, I'm just thankful for the ideas, the last thirteen years, and a husband I love and admire.

Peace to you.

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